A great friend of mine had gone through a
breakup. My reactions to break ups are usually jovial. I would ask if they are
doing okay, try to comfort them a bit. After a while though, I would soon laugh
and joke around the fact. Now, when I say I joke around, I do not mean harsh
insults, but simple jokes (at least to my mind). I would tell them that it is
alright and laughter is for times like these. I do realize that I really should
quit this habit, especially after I had heard about what had happened to my
I literally was shocked. I never thought affairs such as these actually happened. As a surprise, my friend waited for his girlfriend at her place. This, I should mention, was by plane, not some next door neighbor type of girlfriend. As he was waiting for her at her place, time seemed to pass by quite often, but she never showed up until very late, the kind of late where it is not safe for a woman to be walking alone. Far along the distance, my friend could make out the fact that it was his girlfriend who was walking along, but there was someone next to her, a man. When he confronted her about it, the man out of the blue had said “can’t you tell.” First of all, I don’t even know why he barged in, but the kicker here was not the guy, but what the girl had said. She simply said, “This is your fault. You made me do this.” Thus, my friend quickly left and I had got to meet him back in Korea over winter break.
This story was in my mind for quite a while. The more I thought about it, the more it bit slowly into my heart. The worse part of it all was that this was who I was. The same pretentious, obnoxious, unfaithful person was living right inside me. I also had cheated with my girlfriend once. Though it was just once, though I could tell you the entire story and definitely win your understanding, nonetheless, this was unfaithfulness. But, there is more. This unfaithfulness was not just in the dating world, but with God as well. I would cry "faith" but I would be as unfaithful as just another beast.
Hear, O heavens! Listen, O earth! For the LORD has spoken: “I reared children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against me. The ox knows his master, the donkey his owner’s manger, but Israel does not know, my people do not understand.” Isaiah 1:2-3
At least some animals are loyal. Who am I?
A man desperately in need of grace.
Grace, grace, grace.
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