Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Philosophy 101 with a taxi driver.

I’m not big on taking the taxi here in Seoul. On one occasion, however, I hopped on a taxi and was quietly sitting down, waiting for traffic. As the radio kept on talking about how spring was in the air and how flowers were beautifully in bloom, the driver broke the silence. He did not say much, but one thing I remember quite clearly was that anyone who knows how to enjoy flowers is rarely known to have an evil heart. I know it is rather uncommon for guys to enjoy flowers, but I took this saying broadly and thought nature in general. It is rare for anyone in the modern society to take some time off and just stare into the sky. Once you take a step back and see that life is not a race, you tend to become peaceful. Maybe that is what he wanted to tell me. Take some time off, see that life will end someday and understand what is more important.


  1. 역시.. 생각이 깊군 솔라리스

    1. Everything you write demonstrates
      the depth of his sensibility
      -by fronthair ^^
