Thursday, March 1, 2012

Running Away

I was on my way out to mail some application documents. It was a short walk and the weather was hinting at the coming of spring. I was listening to music and life was good. As a self-acclaimed hip-hop/rap lover, I was listening to an old song called "the Movement" by Drunken Tiger. It was the song that more or less started the hip-hop movement in Korea called, well..the Movement.

In my small experience in listening to hip-hop music, I noticed a small theme that strung some songs together, which was the idea of perserverence. Now, I am not sure how many rappers actually lived through tough times and fought on, but as for me, I never really had a truly devastating experience. I got by life without much hassle until recently. At the face of trouble, I ran.

"Flee at once to my brother Laban in Harran." Genesis 27:43
"When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses, but Moses fled..." Exodus 2:15
"Then David fled from Naioth at Ramah and went to Jonathan..." 1 Samuel 20:1
"But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish..." Jonah 1:3
"...Then all the disciples deserted him and fled." Matthew 26:56

Many people in the Bible ran. Now, some ran for a good reason, others for their own mistakes. Jacob ran out of greed. Moses ran in guilt. David ran in frustration. Jonah ran out of pride. The disciples ran in disappointment.

I could say that I simply took a different route, but as much as I try, I sometimes cannot shake the feeling that I may have indeed ran away from obstacles. I don't think I changed paths and started fighting again. Like many of the figures in the Bible, I'm hoping God will gently lead the way back yet again, as none of those that sought after the Lord ended in shame. As spring comes from winter, life seemed to go on.

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