Sunday, March 20, 2016

Learning to Sacrifice

In a week from now, it will be Easter, a day designated to remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins.

For a while now, I have been getting a constant message from God, which was of sacrifice. From a lot of readings, daily events and sermon messages, I am regularly being told to be active in losing, perhaps even to sacrifice knowing that it just may be unfair. 

Now, I am nowhere near being okay with this, but I can surely say that I am learning more about it. 

Though it may be a stretch, I was reminded of the movie Saving Private Ryan. It was difficult for me to grasp around the idea that eight men were sent to save one. As a student with an engineering degree, the efficiency of such a task is worthless. However, it really does not seem like God is keen an achieving the greatest efficiency. 

Then, was Private Ryan better than all the other soldiers? No. He was just another soldier fighting for his country, but to dive into the moral principle of such a mission seems irrelevant. 

It is not that he was better than all the other soldiers, but rather, it was that he was just one more person saved. 

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