"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live" Deuteronomy 30:19
In assuming the validity of the Bible, we are guided to believe that God is sovereign and that we are His creation. We have been cursed with the problem of sin and have been sentenced to death. Although what has been thought to be a closed case, we are here faced with a choice. We realize that God has given us power to choose between life and death of our own lives. A second chance has been granted, and yet, very few realize of this choice.
So why not choose life? Most of us do not know what choosing life means. Those who do, find it very difficult to maintain the choice made. Yet, the text is clear in its meaning. It is either life or death.
Choose Jesus. Choose him to guide you to life everlasting. Choose him to lead you to true blessing.
Hi, Seung ho.
ReplyDeleteI'm Minori.
Thank you for praying:)
I tried to send you message by facebook last night but I couldn't do it in error.
So I will paste the message here.
I'm sorry if I'm bothering you.
I can only recall about contact with you much.
You can delete this after reading:)
The presentation and interviews went really well.
But interviewer said, "You don't have enough skills as graphic designer."
I have realized that yet.
As designer, I have to work harder.
Design industry is working
a lot of overtime.
So if I choose to pursue improving my skill,
I will engage in work night and day seriously.
If that happen, I will not be able to do ministry things as before.
I belong to worship team at our church, and young adult ministry and School of church planters Japan bible study classes.
And I organize and teach a bible study small group. It has many amazing testimonies.
The group grow larger now. God is working.
So I'm doubtful about what I ought to choose for my job.
I need to divine guidance strongly.
Honestly, I feel anxiety about my future now.
Of course, I know Jesus is holder of my future days to come.
nevertheless, I wonder about job, and I wonder if I will be able to get married or not. Can I really stay the way I am? and so on.. haha
But the Lord is still my light.
Actually I don't need to fear.
Just I will continue to trust Him.
Because we have unending hope:)
I joined to the worship team womens fellowship time tonight.
It was so blessed.
Again I thought sharing the life is essential to us.
So I'm glad to share about our life with you in this way.
Thank you for reading this.
How's it going?
When does your new semester start?
I hope you can spend filled break time.