Friday, August 31, 2012

Time in the Fish

Just when is thought too much? 

"But the LORD provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish three days and three nights." Jonah 1:17

I read the story of Jonah and his time inside the fish. Perhaps it was from the story of  Pinocchio and Monstro, but I could not help but wonder what actually went on within the three days and nights. How big was the fish? Where exactly did he stay? How did he survive?

The Bible only recounts the prayer by Jonah, of his realization and understandings.

"And the LORD commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land." Jonah 2:10

School started last Monday for me. To be honest, I had many occasions where I felt like God was telling me to stay home. I left nonetheless. As I sat in the bus heading into town, I was left with thoughts of the consequences of my actions. Am I starting on a new path? Or am I simply waiting until the realization of God's lessons for me? Would I be free of these thoughts? Or would this be a thorn of lesson in my life?

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