Monday, June 25, 2018

Thoughts on Lebanon #1

Milk and honey. That was Lebanon to me. Known to be a part of the Promised Land, Canaan, Lebanon was in my mind a paradise. In reality, however, it was just a desert. Mountain ranges were seen miles away, stretching further out as if drawing the borders to the country. The clear blue skies stretched even further out, no sights of clouds whatsoever. 

As a Korean, Lebanon was just another country in the Middle East. Prejudiced by the media, Arabic countries were rather a scary place to travel. However, I decided to join a missions trip to Lebanon as part of Seoul Dream Church.

The team's main ministry was to serve refugee children at their schools. The dates were from the 23rd of June to the 30th. We met on the evening of the 23rd and rode the plane extending to the 24th. With a 6 hour time-zone difference, we started ministry right away, as it was Sunday morning when we arrived.

As we moved away from the main cities, it really did seem much like a desert. It helped me imagine life of the Israelites as they were wandering for 40 years. As much as it seemed suffocating, it really highlighted how God truly made wonders just to feed them and keep them alive.

Yet, whenever there was a shade, it was nice and cool. Wherever there was water, life flourished. Shepherds walked around with their sheep safely, while men sat around to enjoy a good rest. The country was peaceful. My heart soon found the comfort as well.

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