Sunday, January 25, 2015

Priestly Breastplate

ruby, topaz, beryl
turquoise, sapphire, emerald
jacinth, agate, amethyst
chrysolite, onyx, jasper

I simply wanted to list the names of the precious jewels listed on the priestly breastplate mentioned in Exodus 28. I found out that even the translations of these stones are rather unclear. I probably opened myself up for studies too deep for me to idly read by. 

Here is a good starting link for those interested: stones!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Beautiful Unknown Beginnings

I have grown to appreciate the beginnings without ever knowing they were the start of something beautiful.

Fear not the unknown. They just might be your greatest gifts in life. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hi Friend

When I look at you, I am comforted. Nothing troubles me and the rest seems quite all right. Perhaps it is from your general optimism and independent outlook. Perhaps it is from your passion for and dependence on God. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

happy birthday to you O so far away

Happy Birthday!!

Although I am not with you at the moment, 
Thanks for bringing joy in my life :D

I greatly and humbly appreciate your presence.
I devote all the glory to God, all of this is but a miracle.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Thought Provoking Encouragement

한 후배가 내게 꿈을 향해 노력하는 열정이 대단하다면서 더 열심히 달려가시길 바란다고 이야기해주었다. 문득 내가 향하던 그 꿈이 무엇이었는지 생각해보게 되었다. 지금 내게 꿈이 있던가? 원하던 그런 이상과 현실의 차이가 느껴지기 시작한 것은 얼마 되지 않은 것 같다. 넉넉한 웃음과 인자한 마음으로 세계를 누비면서 의료와 복음을 전하길 원했던 마음이 있었는데 지금은 마치 발목이 붙잡힌 듯 몇 년의 뻔한 인생이 계획되어 있다. 이렇게 생각 하는 것이 교만한 것 같다. 내가 생각하는 것 이상의 생각을 하고 싶고 내가 아는 것 이상의 것을 알고 싶고 나의 틀이 산산조각 나서 하나님께서 원하시는 삶을 살고 싶다. 그런 구체적인 비전이 없어서 헤매고 있었나 보다. 다른 사람들도 이런 생각을 하며 살까?
난 참 별 일 없이 지낸다

Thursday, January 15, 2015

정결함에 관하여

친구가 언젠간 내게 혼전 순결의 의미와 그리스도인으로서 사랑하는 여자임에도 불과하고 결혼하지 않았다면 잠자리를 같이 하는 것을 좋게 여기는지 이유는 어디에 있는지 물어봤었다. 앞에서 나는 어디서부터 어떻게 이야기 해야하는지 몰랐고 자신도 명확하게 어떤 이유에서 성적 절제를 하나님께서 원하시는지 알지 못했음을 인지했다. 그래서 시간을 내어 교회 목사님께 의뢰를 하러 갔었다.

목사님께서는 며칠 후에 찾아오라 하셨지만 솔직히 잊어버릴 같아서 전도사님께 짧게라도 말씀해달라고 했었다. 받은 답변들은 이러하였다.

십계명에 이렇게 써있다: “간음하지 말라” (출애굽기 20:14). 여기서 간음이라 함은 히브리 원어로 음행하지 말라이며 모든 행위들을 포함하는 의미라고 하셨다. 비유적으로는 우상을 두지 말라는 의미로도 받을 있다 하셨다. 원어상 사회적인, 정당한 혼인관계를 추구하라는 의미로 있는데 결혼이라는 관습 이야기까지는 가지 않으셨다. 사실 길로 가면 이야기가 너무 길고 복잡해 같아서 나도 딱히 시점에서 듣고 싶지는 않았다.

그리고 나서 말씀 구절은 창세기였다. 창세기 2 24절에는 이렇게 쓰여있다: “이러므로 남자가 부모를 떠나 그의 아내와 합하여 둘이 한 몸을 이룰지로다.”
남자와 여자가 하나가 되는 것이 중요한데 하나가 다는 것은 떼어질 없는 것이 된다는 이야기다. 하나님께서 이으시는 것이거늘 사람이 함부로 해서는 되는 부분이라고도 말씀하셨다. 사실 이혼하는 것도 간음이라 여겼지 않았더냐고 하시기도 했다.

마지막으로 모든 위에 성결하라는 말씀이 있다고 하셨다. 음행은 자신의 몸을 더럽히는 행위라고 명시되어 있는데 우리를 정결하게 가꾸라고 하시는 주님으로서 마땅한 책임과 결정, 그리고 모든 것을 떠나서 사람과 하나님의 축복인 가정을 이룰 준비가 되지 않았다면 그런 면에 있어서 하나님과 교제하고 나눔을 하여 관계를 유지해야 한다는 의미가 아닐까 말씀하셨다.

사실 아직 나도 정확히는 모르겠다. 하지만 사람을 깊이 사랑하여 가정을 이루는 까지는 많은 준비와 결단들이 필요한데 육신의 것에 대한 참을성 정도는 유지할 있지 않을까 생각해 보았다

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

최근의 마음들 #8763235

주의 은혜가 내게 족하다 하신다.
다른 이들을 보지 않고 하나님만 봐야겠다.

회개하라 하신다. 곧게하라 하신다.

사랑. 주체가 되지 않는 사랑이 바르게 전해졌으면 좋겠다.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Driving to Philadelphia

I had mentioned my drive to Philadelphia a long time ago (referred here named ‘Ideas’). The drive from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia is roughly 5-6 hours. I had talked about what I did during the trip, but this time, I wanted to talk about trips in general, specifically, driving trips.

There looms a sense of anxiety, or more so, a fear in traveling long distances. Maybe it was because I was alone on the trip. I had learned that this may be a small phobia of mine. My mind would think if something were to happen to me in the middle of nowhere, I would not be able to get help, which would generate a broad sense of anxiety.

Another part of me likes to believe that I am simply afraid of being lost from the crowd. Long distance traveling is an easy way to meet endless roads with nothing in sight. I would literally be alone for miles on without anybody around. Maybe I am fearful because I hold too much of my identity among the people. My existence is held in meaning through comparisons and relationships with people.

Perhaps from now on, I should intentionally find myself with no one in sight, maybe enjoy the weather, look around to see what nature is doing besides me. Perhaps I will find God. Perhaps I will find myself in God. Perhaps I will no longer be afraid, as I am held deep in his hands. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Learn your Alphabets

A is how I’ll start this rhyme
cuz I B the illest spitter in our time
come C what I am, come hear what I’ll say
D great GrasDeo reporting live for your ears
Eternity is what I’ll walk
So F it to the world
Saying, Peace my homie G

Somebody call HQ, cuz I just got passed on the mic
And I ain’t J to the K, naw
I’m sick like eLmo, little small, but all the girls love me
Call me Asian eMinem,
like a classical rapper N some Oriental flavor

Yo stop thinking with your little Peepee
My presence is too strong
It’ll stop your heart, loss of the QRS wave
So let’s just Tee off, all I got is U and me
Come evolve like eeVee, too many options
You’ll probably need a W
X-ray vision, see through your soul
Don’t ask Y, it’s just destined to end
3, 2 1, and Zero

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Love's Progress

I'm afraid of nothing in this world
I'm afraid of everything in this world
Nothing had I but my poor spirit in darkness
Now came to light with the world in tandem
I'm afraid of everything in this world
I'm afraid of nothing in this world

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Fill in the Blank

Because I am a man,                             .

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Wind Blows

“The wing blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” John 3:8

Leaving faint traces, sometimes causing great damage, God comes and goes in and through the hearts of many. Seemingly random, yet completely governed by fundamental laws, we are to be guided in the same way, coming and going wherever God desires. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Token of Remembrance 2

As days went by, I got to know you more. Some days, I might feel as though you are a good friend. Some other days I have such an overwhelming feeling towards you. I feel the relationship grow little by little. Hopefully someday, I may not be able to live without you. For now, though, thanks again for being there for me.

Every time I think about you, I think about ways I can improve. I think about all that God had taught me in days before, perhaps so that I can thus live the way I was meant to be.

Relationships are not easy. I say this not because I am having second thoughts, not having any trouble with you but from sheer deepness of any relationship. There is something I truly want to find out from God, whether he has allowed this relationship. It was something I have been afraid to ask. If he has allowed it, the joy will increase evermore. If not, I sincerely hope no one is deeply hurt.

As this relationship begun with God, I hope the end is with God as well, whatever the “end” shall mean. I hope you stay a fellow traveler towards God. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Preparing 2015

Good bye 2014: Purity
+ Letting Go: "Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs." Proverbs 10:12

Word of for 2015: Humility

"And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!" Philippians 2:8