Monday, July 29, 2013


Miracle of birth begins with the opening of eyes.
Two magnificent spheres contain the universe.
The only differences are of which shades of stars are more abundant.
It begins to absorb the world of colors. Yes, trees of green and red roses too.
Soon the skies of blue become azure, celeste, periwinkle and turquoise.
Nature takes its course and begins creating the mind.
As figures start to form, words are associated.
There is no concept of good and evil, just the world in itself.
But, temptation rises, the brokenness brings the world apart.
Confusion now takes control and chaos is struck in the eyes.

I choose to close my eyes, though only for a moment.
A new world is seen, world built upon the spirit.
Grace is shown through love. Hope rises. 
Though dangers are imminent, my eyes are shut tight still.

I wish, though momentarily, that I had not been able to see. 
Then may have I always resided in the Lord. 
Such a prayer, however, is too immature.
God had plans: for my eyes to see the corruption, the hatred, the injustice.
The stains of sin clawing away at the beautiful white nature of the heart.

The eyes are open once again, now with passion.
It sees the future, the road that leads beyond,
the journey that is to be taken with a single message. 

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