Tuesday, May 8, 2018

One Sows, One Reaps

As much as I try to experience more in life, I often think too much on a matter and fall short of being active. This has been true for several days on my decision to travel to Lebanon as a missions trip. I had not thought much of it when the pastor asked me to join along. As the meetings began, I started to question why I had wanted to go in the first place. I felt rather out of place among those much younger than me. 

John Chapter 4 Verse 38 read, "I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor."

The first missions trip to Lebanon from this church was last year. Many had traveled to help out the war refugees. The church soon sent a missionary to the same place, and the team is now going once more to support those serving the place. The church had long been praying for the land. The missionary had been eager to spread the good news. I had this feeling that I will be seeing with my own eyes the work of God play out in Lebanon, something I had not worked for at all. 

Perhaps this is God's response. I wanted to hold onto it, lest I flicker in my decision to participate again. 

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