Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Self Control

I may have lost today
but I know tomorrow's a new day
For the road is already placed before me
All I need to do is walk free

Friday, March 27, 2015

Words from David to Solomon

"So be strong, act like a man, and observe what the Lord your God requires: Walk in obedience to him, and keep his decrees and commands, his laws and regulations, as written in the Law of Moses. Do this so that you may prosper in all you do and where you go" 1 Kings 2:2b-3

Words of blessing from a king to his successor, from father to son, from a Christian to another.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

In Power

Come to me in power
Bringing forth a graceful shower
devour, all my sorrows and sins
As you bring terror as people cower
the sour sting of death is no more an hour
as I bloom again, into a blissful flower
protected by You, the strong tower

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lyrics to Eternity and On

I wish I could write a simple kind of love song
but in light of eternity the roads long
going on endlessly
true serenity
bought upon the tree
Jesus bled for me
so perceving that time goes on forever
simple romantic love with the half better
its sure swell
but just an image of the real thing
ill never let the romance overtake my king
its hard to believe that my soul will live forever
it feels like to this physical world im tethered
there definitely is a spiritual war i know it
like the pens trying to force affections of the poet
I know that many cant relate maybe some can
they try and find the role of love in the artist's plan
cause lord I don't wanna sing of love that wont last
so give me your love and spirit, steadfast 
"I'm Okay" - Sam Ock

Sunday, March 22, 2015

비전, 우리 보좌 앞에 모였네

At the throne of our God we gather
And join to praise His holy name
Because of His great love,
God gave His only son
Jesus Christ has redeemed us from our sins

On the cross, God poured out His love so freely
A stream that flows forevermore 
to every tribe and tongue
All nations join the song
Endless praise to salvation’s one true Lord

To the Lord of all, who’s seated on the throne
And to the Lamb of God 
This saving grace belongs
To the Lord of all, who’s seated on the throne
And to the Lamb of God 
We cry aloud forevermore




One of my favorite songs, now translated into English. Fantastic. 
Courtesy of Anointing, 11th album. 

Saturday, March 21, 2015


가운을 입을 때 마다
무슨 슈퍼히어로가 된 마냥
웃으면서 울면서
그렇게 그렇게
언제나 그렇게
득이 되는 덕이 있는
그렇게 살고 싶다

하지만 가운을 입어도
힘이 있는 건 아니다
능력이 생기지도 않는다
그냥 그 자리에 들어서게 된
어느 다를 것 없는 한 사람이다
그래도 그렇게
그렇게 살아보련다

Friday, March 20, 2015

Reason For God

I realized I am not very good with people. For that, I am often thankful for those who consider me their friend (or I hope). Among the few good friends, one is studying theology, or something of that sort, and I asked him a rather random question.

“What is the reason for God?”

I thought about how I came to this belief people call faith, heritage of faith from my parents mostly. Then I thought about others, ones that did not receive such beliefs from their parents. What was the reason for God for those?

I had thought I came across a great question, but along came a greater answer. He said,

“The reason for God is simply that people deserve to know the truth, the reality.”

He added that the problem we face in this generation is that we simply lost the truth, and that we don’t know how to communicate. Generations speak different languages, and as Christians, we need to be creative to spread the Gospel. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Monday, March 16, 2015

To My Dear Friends

If you truly consider me your friend, one that you wish to see time and again,
I dearly hope you reconsider your faith in Christ,
for only through eternity will we ever see each other again.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Friday, March 6, 2015

Hospital Visits

The school year began a month early this year. A month of "Clinical Practice" lectures was the reason. In the end, we were evaluated on our practice of medicine in clinical setting, though the patients were actors.

I do say a lot when it comes to grades, but I like to pride in myself that I am not hung up on them. Today, however, I was quite sad about my evaluation of my examination. I had barely gotten any points on the category of "empathy." You could ask what "empathy" is doing in a grade sheet, but it was for making doctors better at being one with patients, especially since Korean doctors need to see nearly twice as many patients than that of the U.S. 

The grade took extra blows to my heart for empathy was indeed something I always felt I was lacking. I came to this school to become a doctor not for myself, but for the patients. Yet, I felt so far away form it. 

A week of hospital practice had passed. I already saw that I had trouble interacting with the patients. Of course it is definitely different to approach patients as a student acting as a doctor, but I imagined that I would do so much better. For nearly two years, I thought about how I would do once I step foot in the hospital. After one meager week, I already dread it. 

One step at a time, perhaps, for You, God. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Gift from ReClaim: Encouragement

When did we start living for the grades,numbers, letters on a paper.What’s the meaning and difference
between aces and spades, doctor or professor.Before all that MD’s and PhD’s were sinisters,
called to be a priestly nation, to be his ministers.Gaze upon his grace and gloryDeny ourselves and carry our cross dailyLet’s do what our God given talents allow,Let us not be discouraged and bowDown to the idols of letters and grades‘cuz that’s what brings our image die toe degrade