Thursday, July 30, 2015
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Monday, July 20, 2015
Muramasa and Masamune
Legend tells of a test where Muramasa challenged his master, Masamune, to see who could make a finer sword. They both worked tirelessly and eventually, when both swords were finished, they decided to test the results. The contest was for each to suspend the blades in a small creek with the cutting edge facing the current. Muramasa's sword, the Juuchi Yosamu (十千夜寒, "10,000 Cold Nights") cut everything that passed its way; fish, leaves floating down the river, the very air which blew on it. Highly impressed with his pupil's work, Masamune lowered his sword, the Yawarakai-Te (柔らかい手, "Tender Hands"), into the current and waited patiently. Not a leaf was cut, the fish swam right up to it, and the air hissed as it gently blew by the blade. After a while, Muramasa began to scoff at his master for his apparent lack of skill in the making of his sword. Smiling to himself, Masamune pulled up his sword, dried it, and sheathed it. All the while, Muramasa was heckling him for his sword's inability to cut anything. A monk, who had been watching the whole ordeal, walked over and bowed low to the two sword masters. He then began to explain what he had seen: The first of the swords was by all accounts a fine sword, however it is a blood thirsty, evil blade, as it does not discriminate as to who or what it will cut. It may just as well be cutting down butterflies as severing heads. The second was by far the finer of the two, as it does not needlessly cut that which is innocent and undeserving.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
새벽 세시 반. 사실 이 시간에 눈이 떠진 것은 아닙니다. 곧 있으면 방학이면서도 늘 아쉬운 주말을 더 깨어 있고 싶어서 두시쯤부터 떠진 눈을 아직도 치켜들고 있는 것입니다. 배의 허전함에 이끌려 냉장고로 가는데 역시나 서울의 야경은 멋진 것 같습니다. 빗소리가 은은하게 들려오며 한양대의 불빛이 춤을 추는 것에 마음에 감사함이 절로 터져 나왔습니다. 무심코 부모님께서 주무시는 방을 들여다보니 참 하나님께서 이 가정에 너무나도 많은 축복을 주심을 느꼈습니다. 아버지 세대로부터 시작되어 할머니와 할아버지, 그리고 우리 가족 모두가 하나님의 그 크신 구원의 역사 안에 들어가게 되었습니다. 믿음의 일 세대라 그런지 하나님께서 물질적인 축복도 많이 주시는 것 같습니다. 제가 돈 개념이 많이 부족해서인지 아직 큰돈이 오가는 일을 마주하지 않아서인지 모르지만 저의 삶은 넉넉합니다. 늘 배부르며 깔끔한 새 옷을 입고 다니기 충분합니다. 하나님께서 누리라고 이 모든 것을 주심을 믿어 의심치 않습니다. 하지만 이런 누림에 불편함은 늘 조금씩 스며듭니다. 아마 아르헨티나로 의료선교를 갔었던 기억 때문인 것 같습니다.
마을 가운데에는 한 우물이 있었고 이제 막 들어오기 시작한 전기로 마을중앙에 전구하나 켠 곳에서 아이들은 기부 받은 화려한 색의 옷들을 입고 뛰놀곤 했습니다. 그 모든 것을 감싸 안는 하늘은 그림 그려놓은 듯 아름다웠습니다. 그 곳을 떠날 적엔 제가 가지고 있던 여벌옷들을 다 주고 왔었습니다. 그곳에서 선교하시던 선교사님께서는 늘 필요한 것이 없다고 하셨지만 계속 여쭤보니 콜라 한 캔 사달라고 하시곤 했습니다. 몸이 참 마르셨던 목사님이신지라 그 걸로라도 당을 채우셨으면 하는 생각을 종종했습니다. 아마 그런 기억들 때문에 도시에 저의 미래를 쉽게 맡기지 못하는 것 같습니다.
생각이 너무 많아져 글로 옮겨 적다보니 시간은 더 늦어져서 결국 아무것도 먹지 않은 채 다시 누우려합니다. 배는 고프지만 하나님의 은혜 기억에 영은 배불리 잠들 것 같습니다.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
"For if the message spoken by angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him." Hebrews 2:2-3
I have been adrift. The serenity of the river, that is the world, casually hid the fact that it will soon turn wider and stronger in flow eventually leading to a waterfall, an impending doom. How can I forget this great salvation, the one that had brought me out of deep sorrows, cleansed me and clothed me? Though I have been asleep, I shall awake once more to loving shower of the Lord.
I have been adrift. The serenity of the river, that is the world, casually hid the fact that it will soon turn wider and stronger in flow eventually leading to a waterfall, an impending doom. How can I forget this great salvation, the one that had brought me out of deep sorrows, cleansed me and clothed me? Though I have been asleep, I shall awake once more to loving shower of the Lord.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Battle Cry
"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." Psalm 20:7
Some trust in money and some in intelligence, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God, amen.
Some trust in money and some in intelligence, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God, amen.
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