Do not mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance, my kindness for weakness.
Kings alter the laws of man as they please. What makes you think the laws of nature are any different?
I do not study the divine to imitate what they do. I study the divine to imitate what they are.
That perfection is unobtainable is no excuse not to strive for it.
- Sources Unknown
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Fight the New Drug
I really have not looked at the website in its entirety, but simply by watching the video, I was really encouraged. Knowing that this generation is facing troubles that other generations have never before faced and that there are people out there aware and fully awake to the realities was strength in itself. Let's fight on brothers of faith.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Story of Tamar
Cool little blurb about Genesis chapter 38. I especially liked the part with the reason behind years of Egyptian slavery. Do check it out!
Cool little blurb about Genesis chapter 38. I especially liked the part with the reason behind years of Egyptian slavery. Do check it out!
기도제목 Collection: 2014.2-7
그 시간이 필요했었음을 알게 되길, 단지 옆에 있어주는 사람이 되길, 사촌동생들을 품을 수 있길,얼굴 이 좀 하얗게 되길, 세상을 보지 않고 세상의 기준도 보지 않고 하나님만 바라길, 마음을
열 수 있길, 가정사가 하나님 안에서 잘 풀려 나가길, 하나님을
기뻐하는 삶을 살길, 자존심을 내려놓길, 연애를 할 수 있길, 중심이 내가 아닌 하나님이 되길, 모이는 것을 폐하지 않길, 다른 이들을 먼저 챙기는 삶을 살길, 열정을 되찾길, 감사하길, 하나님을 찾게 되길, 다이어트에
성공하길, 공부를 열심히 하게 되길, 동생의 믿음이 깊어지길, 야식을 먹지 않길, 좋은 사람을 만날 수 있길, 가족이 모두 건강하길, 자신의 연약함을 깨닫고 감사할 수 있길, 하나님께서 영원 앞에 선하게 이끌어 가실 것을 믿길, 성숙해질 수
있길, 힘들게 하는 사람을 품게 되길, 예수의 이름이 입술에서
떠나지 않길, 시간의 여유를 지혜롭게 쓰길, 근본적인 것들을
보게 되길, 관계 안에서 상처 주고 받지 않길, 삶의 중심을
잡을 수 있길, 아픈 것이 나을 수 있길, 24시간 주님과
동행할 수 있길, 주님 말씀에 순종하는 삶을 살길, 건강해질
수 있길, 준비하던 것 순조롭게 해내길, 시험을 잘 볼 수
있길, 마무리를 잘 하길, 나태해지지 않길, 자신의 연약함을 알고 하나님 더 의지하길, 관계에 지혜를 얻길, 피곤함을 이겨내길, 하나님의 시야로 살아가길, 매 순간 하나님의 사랑을 받으며 살고 있음을 깨닫길, 자신에게 실망하지
않고 마음을 열게 되길, 겸손이 교만이 되지 않길, 수업에
집중 할 수 있길, 마음을 잡게 되길, 신앙생활을 지킬 수
있길, 겸손함과 간절함을 얻게 되길,
Monday, July 21, 2014
To the Young Dreamer
Let me tell you something. That dream you have, the dream of becoming a doctor is so precious. It truly is a culmination of life living for God, one about self-sacrifice. Before that, however, there are lots that I want you to hold onto in preparation.
The people you have around you, ones met in Christ, keep them close. Bring about Heaven among yourselves, because the world is a dark place. It is filled with evil and hatred, but ironically run by people who are all scared but longing for righteousness and justice. You need to prepare your heart to fully embrace them and turn them towards God. Pray extra-hard for that.
At some time, however, you need to play the game. You need to rise up to the challenge of the system, for it is all within the allowance of God. He is not going to break the order of His universe with miracles just so you can get what you want. Plus, you already have all that you need to live this life fully.
Never let go of the Bible on one hand, and never let go of love on the other.
Becoming a doctor is not difficult. Becoming a good doctor is where lies the difference. Come find me in several years. I hope your love for God grows ever more so than now.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Jacob's Account
Jacob tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and mourned for his son many days. All
his sons and daughters came to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted. 'No,' he said, 'in mourning will I go down to the grave to my son.' So his
father wept for him.
the Midianites sold Joseph in Egypt to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s officials,
the captain of the guard.” Genesis 37:34-36
such a narrative, the readers are allowed access to the entire story, but only
in the present moment within the story. The future is unraveled as the reader
reads on. Naturally, it is easy to miss the point of view of individual
the beginning of chapter 37 of Genesis, the readers are told, “This is the
account of Jacob” (verse 2). Yet, we are only given hints of his reactions
(i.e. verse 11: “His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the
matter in mind.”). By the end of the chapter, the readers see how mournful
Jacob is with the news of Joseph’s “death.”
Christians, we are told many times that God listens and answers our prayers. As
though little faith that I have, I do agree. Time, however,
is always the issue. We, as readers, recognize that Joseph is not dead. To
Jacob, however, death of his son is the only reality. Yet, the omnipotent God,
the God of Jacob's ancestors, Yahweh, keeps his silence for many years. No
revelation through dreams, no messenger angels, no miraculous visions. God
keeps his silence as though to block all paths towards Joseph for the family. I am
sure one of the sons could have started tracking Joseph down as a desperately
attempt (or maybe one might have, but I feel like God would have had their
eyes blinded and ears shut). Surely, God had plans for Joseph, but as for
Jacob, it was complete and utter silence for years on end.
we do know that God will provide everything for us at the hour of our death, at
the hour of his coming, but what comfort shall we seek from him in the present
Friday, July 18, 2014
3rd One Done
sincere thanks to God, another semester has passed. I have had my difficulties,
but I thought I had managed to resolve such troubles myself. Little did I know,
God had planted people that prayed for me all throughout the semester. Only at
the end did I realize the vast presence and grace of God.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
우유에 섞은
고독한 편의점 인생이라 편의점에서 파는 음식은 거의 다 먹어 본 것 같다. 그나마 지금까지도 가벼운 마음으로, 배도 아프지 않게 먹을 수 있는 것은 아마 우유가 아닐까 싶다. 여느 때처럼 커피 우유 하나를 집어 들려다 카페인 좀 줄일까라는 생각에 초코우유를 집어 들었다. 싼 값에 마시는 우유다 보니 별 생각 없이 마시긴 했지만 너무나도 익숙한 맛이었다. 그냥 다 거기서 거기인가 보다 하려다 자세히 보니 할아버지께서 늘 사두시던 그 초코우유였다. 적어도 한 달에 한번은 친할아버지와 할머니를 뵈러 홍은동에 가곤 했는데 그 때마다 형은 바나나우유를, 나는 초코우유를 즐겨 마셔서 할아버지께서 전날에 사 놓으시던 그 우유였다. 그랬다는 것을 할머니께서는 모르셨는지 요즘은 홍은동을 찾아가도 냉장고에 우유는 없다.
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