Thursday, June 28, 2012

Collab: ReClaim, Part 2

Representing rock steady
Get set, go, I’m ready
Looking so fly do not say goodbye
hold up a candle, life is just too dizzy
no sober mind can handle
still, i'll be breezing by, cruising like crazy

Nothing erased, simple memories of past
Lost the first love that you thought would last
Boom! inhibitions aghast, too fast
Holding onto what seemed so vast
Jesus, where art thou the everlasting
He’s not your Pokemon, not here to blast blast
Aching, broken bones without a cast
But fight on for God goes on


Kneeling down with my hands tied to my back, I am a prisoner. I can see just too clearly, the moments before my time. I guess a blindfold was too much to ask. Heavy snow falls with no one else in sight, just my executioner. As the spiritless barrel touches the back of my head, I am shivering from either the cold or the fear. As the piercing wind calms down to whisper me its last words, all I hear is a click.

As a child of God, I expected the gun to malfunction. Maybe I would be able to react in that split second and overtake the enemy. Considering that I am rather a coward, an ally might come and rescue me. With the glorious upset, celebration of God’s greatness would be abounding. I would be back home safe and sound. The trials and tribulations would be stories to be told to my grandkids. I would travel across the world to share this story and inspire many of the younger generation to seek God out. I would close my eyes in the comfort of my home with my family surrounding me. However, the joys and relief were but imaginations of my head, as I am now laid unto the ground, dead. More snow falls and gently covers me.

I had always expected to see what is due for me from God within this life. I would hit bottom, but be raised with His outstretched arm. Jesus never came for that. He came to die for the sins of the world. He did not come to die partially, die figuratively, but to just die.

“He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.”

“Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.” Isaiah 53: 7, 12

How am I doing? How am I dying?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Where You At?

You think what you have is love?
Your love is nothing like the white dove
See through your eyes with some clarity
No purity, just empty passion
Fluctuating like the waves in the ocean
simply coming and going

Take a step back and jump to higher ground
Go see a doctor or a doctrine
Don't go on like this forever and ever

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I have come at a stop. Whether it be my sins, God’s will or sheer chance, I do not know, but I must be moving on. My desire to be a doctor seems rather far at this point. If God grants me grace into something I have not fully worked for, my gratitude will be forever His. However, if it seems rather insolent on my part, I will go and work for the fruits of diligence, for the LORD is there anywhere I go. You only seek that I follow You wholeheartedly.

Greater Calling

Just recently have I begun to grasp the essence of Christianity. Separating the truth from mere aspects of Christian culture seemed too important. Somewhere and somehow I started thinking God would allow my dreams to come true if only they were of charitable purpose, even if my dreams stemmed mostly from my own selfishness.

As if God really needs me to be somebody and do His work.

Well, actually, God does do His work through people, but it seems that comes secondary. First and foremost, I believe God simply wants us to walk humbly with Him, to just be with Him.

Thoughts from reading Proverbs and Daniel.

Dream Sequence: Presence

I picture myself somewhere in the middle of nowhere: parched land with shrubs here and there along with clear blue skies spread endlessly. I share what little I have, and unbeknownst to me, it will ultimately save a person's life. I would feel the breeze blow past my face, and realize that God is truly present, and that may very well be all that I desire.

No Destiny

Someday, I just know I will die for what I believe in.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dream Sequence: Escape

You are standing in front of a brick wall. You have no idea where it came from, so you simply turn around and walk the other way. Another one, and another. Then you soon figure out that you are trapped inside. You start examining the wall. What is it made of? Are there weak spots? Maybe even holes? All to no avail, you start kicking and screaming, but what's got a wall to say? As you give up and lie down, you realize that the sky is so blue, endlessly revealing for your eyes. You reach out your hand hoping to grasp a cloud that will take you far. A deep sleep. After moments of peace, you feel a discomfort in your back. Wings. Such white wings that are almost to the point of glowing. Beautiful feathers dance with the wind as you are set free, out into the open.

Lifted Up

LORD, why are You so good to me?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

An Empty Room

My room has a bed, a desk and some closets. I have some guitars lying around, some books and I sometimes bring in a laptop. I live pretty high up in an apartment, so the view is rather nice. I can also use my cellphone to get in touch with people and maybe order some food here and then. Although the bathroom is not directly connect from my room, it is literally three steps away. I guess I can honestly say that I have everything I need. Though the word "rich" is a rather relative term, I consider myself a rich man. Well, my parents, at least.

"Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, 'How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!'" Mark 10:23

"Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27

Well, here it is. The big dilemma for me. I see myself a rich man. I am yet again grateful that God can do everything. I am glad that it is hard, not impossible. I keep telling myself, let it flow, let it flow.