Thursday, June 26, 2014

To you, YM

To all that doubted me, see me rise again with one of the greatest love you will ever see in what short life here on earth. 

To all those that were patient with me, I sincerely thank you. Now I shall make your effort worthwhile in more ways than you will have ever imagined. 

To you, the one and only; thank you so much for having loved me then. I don't think I will ever find someone so patient, so prayerful, so powerful. I miss you every so often, but I know I will probably never see you again until heaven-bound. 

It seems that I am simply walking in your footsteps, doing all the littles that you have once done. I just realized that I am exactly as old as you were back then. Just a small cycle when it comes to the relationship with God: spending hours with the Bible, learning to play the guitar so that one day I can lead worship, writing down all the daily graces that run through my mind, simply loving and hoping.

I know that you have now forgotten me to the entirety, but I still remember you. Just like how you have loved me, I shall love too, without any calculations, hold-backs, frowning nor pouting. 

Thank you Lord, for allowing me to meet such a wonderful person. I can only pray that I meet someone ever more graceful. Then again, a part of me wishes to keep her as the one and only. 

Aside all foolishness, sustain me so that I may live according to your words. 


Monday, June 23, 2014

From: 존 파이퍼 남자와 여자, 무엇이 다른가

남성다움의 의미

성숙한 남성의 마음에는 남성이 맺는 여러 관계에 합당한 방식으로 여성을 인도하고 공급하며 보호하려는 호의적인 책임 의식이 있다

성숙한 남성다움은 섬김 받기를 요구하는데서 표현되는 것이 아니라 여성을 위해 섬기고 희생하려는 능력 안에서 표현된다

성숙한 남성다움은 여성에 대해 그리스도의 권위를 내세우는 것이 아니라 그것을 옹호한다

성숙한 남성다움은 우월감을 갖는 것이 아니라 다른 사람들의 능력을 발휘하도록 북돋워 주는 태도다

성숙한 남성다움은 모든 행동을 주도하는 것이 아니라 일반적 형태의 주도권을 제공해야 할 책임 의식을 느끼는 것이다

성숙한 남성다움은 남편과 아내 사이에 의견이 일치하지 않을 때 마지막 결정을 내릴 책임을 맡지만 그것이 항상 적용되는 것은 아니다

성숙한 남성다움은 하나님이 남성에게 지도력을 주신 것은 회개와 겸손, 위기관리의 책임을 밑기신 것임을 인식한다.

여성다움의 의미

성숙한 여성의 마음에는 여성이 맺는 여러 관계에 합당한 방식으로 존경할 만한 남성에게서 나오는 힘과 지도력을 지지하고 받아들이며 길러 주려는 자유로운 성향이 있다.

여성다움의 중요한 것은 성숙한 남성다움이 세운 주도권에 어떻게 반응하느냐 하는 것이다

성숙한 여성다움은 자유롭게 하는 것으로 경험할 수 있다. 이것은 그 성향이 하나님의 창조의 목적과 조화를 이루기 때문이다. 자유롭게 하는 것은 오직 진리뿐이다 (요8:32)

자유는 우리가 하고 싶은 것을 하는 것이 아니다. 성숙하고 지혜로운 여성은 자신의 갈망에 현실을 억지로 끼워 맞춰야 얻을 수 있는 자유를 갈구하지 않는다. 그녀는 오직 마음을 새롭게 함으로 변화를 받아 하나님의 선하시고 기뻐하시고 온전하신 뜻이 무엇인지 분별함으로써 자유를 얻고자 한다.

성숙한 여성은 남성을 더 강하고 지혜로운 자로 길러주는 능력과 통찰력을 지닌다. 그리고 그것은 그들의 관계를 더욱 풍성하게 만든다.

분명 우리는 여성이 남성에게 영향력을 주는 것을 금할 수도 없고, 금해서도 안 된다. 예를 들면, 기도는 남성을 창조의 모습으로 회복할 수 있도록 하나님이 여성에게 주신 수단이다. 기도하는 여성은 이 세상의 모든 정치 지도자들을 합해 놓은 것보다 더 강력한 힘을 발휘한다.

존 파이퍼 남자와 여자, 무엇이 다른가

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Collection of Thoughts: Third Week of June, 2014

People dream the most at the darkest of hours. 
We stand here today exactly at that time to secure those that dream, 
those that we love. 

So if it is not a matter of saving lives, whether the body or the soul,
don't waste my time

There are so many opportunities to do whatever it is that you wish to do,
but, O, praising God! It is only possible just in the moment,
moments that pass by too quickly. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Prayers of the Poor and Despised

"David asked the Gibeonites, “What shall I do for you? How shall I make atonement so that you will bless the Lord’s inheritance?” 2 Samuel 21:3

It is sad for any family or nation to have the prayers of oppressed innocency against them, and therefore the expense of a just restitution is well bestowed for the retrieving of the blessing of those that were ready to perish, Job. 29:13 . "My servant Job, whom you have wronged, shall pray for you,’’ says God, "and then I will be reconciled to you, and not till then.’’ Those understand not themselves that value not the prayers of the poor and despised.
- Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible: 2 Samuel 21

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sing a New Song

"Sing unto the Lord a new song." It is one of praise songs that I enjoyed singing much. The irony is in that the lyrics call to sing a new song, yet the song itself has become an old song at this age. Like all that exists, obsoletion is inevitable, all but one, and that is Christ. The Holy Spirit allows us to renew our lives daily, for the sake of His eternity.

We are so accustomed to music that is no longer than 5 minutes, and honestly, even that is considered long to our shortened attention span. Classical music, however, were much longer. Think about how great and prestigious these classical music are considered. Now, consider an even greater song, one that is in length of a lifetime, beautiful, original in every way. Such music is the lives of ours. This is the song we are to sing to the Lord. A new song, a life that becomes new in Christ. Don't scare away from writing out a masterpiece. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Spitting Rhymes

What I love about rap is that it is an expression of the heart pouring itself out in intricately woven words while the instruments climax to match the emotions, grasping the attention of the people, creating a moment of coexistence of mind, shouting, "hell no!" to the empty mind that whispers, "there is no meaning."

Yet, one could speak for all the soul, but if God is not at the center, the darkness will surely engulf what faint glimmer of light that once sparkled. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Mephibosheth, A Modern Day

Mephibosheth, Saul’s grandson, also went down to meet the king. He had not taken care of his feet or trimmed his mustache or washed his clothes from the day the king left until the day he returned safely. When he came from Jerusalem to meet the king, the king asked him, “Why didn’t you go with me, Mephibosheth?” 
He said, “My lord the king, since I your servant am lame, I said, ‘I will have my donkey saddled and will ride on it, so I can go with the king.’ But Ziba my servant betrayed me. And he has slandered your servant to my lord the king. My lord the king is like an angel of God; so do whatever you wish. All my grandfather’s descendants deserved nothing but death from my lord the king, but you gave your servant a place among those who eat at your table. So what right do I have to make any more appeals to the king?” 
The king said to him, “Why say more? I order you and Ziba to divide the land.” 
Mephibosheth said to the king, “Let him take everything, now that my lord the king has returned home safely.” 2 Samuel 19:24-30

Mephibosheth, if you are unfamiliar with him, take a brief glance at 2 Samuel 9. If you want to learn more about it, I suggest reading both the Samuels. Then again, I suggest you read the entire Bible, but that’s that.

Mephibosheth had not taken care of himself, a sign of sorrow, sign of patience and respect. His response to David is also amazing, “What right do I have to make any more appeals to the king?” He fully acknowledges his status in light of the king’s.

The best of his response, however, is in him saying, “Take everything.”

I wonder how many a times I could say this to God. I counted all that I felt was useful in living: a room, a bed, a desk and a chair, blankets, clothes, money, food…my five senses? I guess I could do without a phone. It will take a while to adjust, though. I could play with this idea for hours, but it seemed pointless. I came to the conclusion that when we express to God, “take everything,” I think it means take everything that takes away from getting to know You better.

Such a short passage fully encompassed the attitude of how a Christian should be in front of the LORD. Such a humbling message. 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Abram to Abraham

"The Lord said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, 'Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever. I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted. Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you.'

So Abram went to live near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron, where he pitched his tents. There he built an altar to the Lord." Genesis 13:14-18

Every time I read the Bible, I try to think about how it can be applied to us in the modern times. Not in the sense of prophetic guidance, but as what God wants to say to us. 

When I read this section, I wondered what it is that I should be thinking. I am hesitant to say that God will bless us, so go on living, for that would be faith only for the want of success. 

What is it?

Friday, June 6, 2014

Chasm With the World

Reconcile me in this harsh reality
What do to, for I am nothing
No hero, no main character
Let me find purpose in God

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

O My King, My King

As King David approached Bahurim, a man from the same clan as Saul’s family came out from there. His name was Shimei son of Gera, and he cursed as he came out. He pelted David and all the king’s officials with stones, though all the troops and the special guard were on David’s right and left. As he cursed, Shimei said, “Get out, get out, you murderer, you scoundrel! The Lord has repaid you for all the blood you shed in the household of Saul, in whose place you have reigned. The Lord has given the kingdom into the hands of your son Absalom. You have come to ruin because you are a murderer!”Then Abishai son of Zeruiah said to the king, “Why should this dead dog curse my lord the king? Let me go over and cut off his head.” 
But the king said, “What does this have to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah? If he is cursing because the Lord said to him, ‘Curse David,’ who can ask, ‘Why do you do this?’” 
David then said to Abishai and all his officials, “My son, my own flesh and blood, is trying to kill me. How much more, then, this Benjamite! Leave him alone; let him curse, for theLord has told him to. It may be that the Lord will look upon my misery and restore to me his covenant blessing instead of his curse today.” 
So David and his men continued along the road while Shimei was going along the hillside opposite him, cursing as he went and throwing stones at him and showering him with dirt. The king and all the people with him arrived at their destination exhausted. And there he refreshed himself. 2 Samuel 16:5-14
What it must have felt, as a warrior, a soldier, to stand by the king he loves, be insulted. O, Jesus, shouldn't it be such he mind we need have? The anger, the rush of emotions that had to be repressed, to simply walk beside you, accepting all the shouts of hate. What it is to wait patiently, a virtue that I seek.  

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Bottom Line is Here

As he was about to enter Egypt, he said to his wife Sarai, “I know what a beautiful woman you are. When the Egyptians see you, they will say, ‘This is his wife.’ Then they will kill me but will let you live. Say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well for your sake and my life will be spared because of you.” Genesis 12:11-13
Sunday sermon passage, a day late.
I just wanted to share a simple thought.

Yes it is of God's salvation, of His purpose, the steadfast love, of the unbreakable promise. At a certain point, however, you just have to stop and say, "Come on, I can do better than this!" Let's keep our heads up. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Dreams By Langston Hughes

Dreams By Langston Hughes

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.